Grief and Loss Online

 Online Resources on Grief, Loss and Death

Center for Loss and Life Transition - "Led by death educator and grief counselor Dr. Alan Wolfelt, we are an organization dedicated to helping people who are grieving and those who care for them. Perhaps someone you love has died, or you want to help a grieving friend or family member. Or maybe you are a professional or volunteer grief caregiver. Either way, we are here to offer resources and understanding."

Refuge in Grief: Grief Support That Doesn't Suck - "Grief literature is so loaded with misinformation and well-meaning but utterly wrong ideas about what it means to be in pain. In a world that tells us that grieving the death of someone you love is an illness needing treatment, I offer a different perspective – one that encourages us to reexamine our relationship with love, loss, heartbreak, and community. The resources and support you’ll find here won’t try to cheer you up, put you down, or force you to move on with your life. You won’t find a five-step plan, or learn the secret to never feeling pain again. 

What you will get is understanding, compassion, validation, and the skills you need to survive. Whether your life just went sideways, you’re trying to be supportive for someone else, or you want to learn awesome interpersonal skills inside your everyday life, you’re in the right place. We’ve got to stop talking about grief as a problem to be solved. When we change our conversations around grief, we make things better for everyone."

Speaking Grief - This website, which accompanies the WPSU documentary Speaking Grief, has a number of resources dedicated to "elevating a national conversation around grief by creating the space for the journey to recovery." Sections include Understanding Grief, Supporting Grief, Grieving, and Continuing the Conversation.  

Coping with Cancer - "Coping with Cancer website is a complete online experience that educates and inspires. It is presented in a warm and friendly, easy-to-use format, and provides knowledge about living with cancer, hope, and inspirational topics. A wide variety of professionals share their knowledge and experience in easy-to-read, relevant articles, and patients, caregivers, and survivors share their strategies for coping."

Minnesota Death Cafe - Death Cafe is a not-for-profit social franchise and international movement to "increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives."
Gatherings are held in a variety of event spaces and aims to incorporate guest artists, speakers and activities.

Death and Death-Positivity

The Order of the Good Death - "The Order is about making death a part of your life. Staring down your death fears—whether it be your own death, the death of those you love, the pain of dying, the afterlife (or lack thereof), grief, corpses, bodily decomposition, or all of the above. Accepting that death itself is natural, but the death anxiety of modern culture is not."

Minnesota Threshold Network - "Advocating family-directed after-death care, including home vigils and green burial choices. Since 2008, MTN has been holding monthly educational meeting, free and open to the public. We also offer home vigil trainings; host biannual regional retreats for home funeral activists from Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa; and offer volunteer services to individuals and families wanting support at the threshold of death."

Loving, Living, and Dying During COVID-19 "In Minnesota, a group of last responders, death educators, and EOLDs in our community created “Loving, Living, and Dying During COVID-19” as a way to share and distribute accurate, compassionate and relevant information. This was designed to be helpful to everyone in Minnesota – families, caregivers, guides."

Minnesota Death Collaborative - "The Minnesota Death Collaborative is your resource for bridging the gap from life to death, for navigating the journey, and for reconnecting to the natural aspects of death." Provides workshops and informative, including COVID-19 Resources and Minnesota-specific Resources

Updated 2/19/21

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